Saturday, August 22, 2009

Evans and Cheever

Bedroom in Boarding House on Hudson Street, Residence of John Cheever, New York City 1931-33 from the Met by Walker Evans.

Cheever later writes salaciously about a rendezvous between the two men that may or may not have happened between them. Here is an excerpt cited in James Mellow's biography on Evans.


Tema Stauffer said...

This episode was also discussed in Blake Bailey's recently published biography of John Cheever which describes a life-time of repression, alcoholism, self-loathing and secretive homosexual affairs.

I, of course, thought it was hot to pictures two of my heros getting it on. Not something I recall reading about in previous bio's of Walker Evans.

Barry Stone said...

Mellow in his account seems to dismiss the encounter as Cheever's hyperbole, but I am not sure on what grounds he has to do so. I like to think of the story as akin to Agee's florid prose in Let Us Now Praise of Famous Men, where the restraint of Walker's compositions are juxtaposed more messy and human affairs.